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6 Ways Your Business Can Benefit from Whiteboard Animation Videos

Whiteboard animation frame from "Which Bus is Driving Your Organisation?" video

Studies show that the average human being has an attention span of eight seconds – a sharp decline from the 12 seconds reported in 2000. This is the main reason why videos have become the bread and butter of social media and the Internet in general.

With 8 billion views recorded on Facebook alone, it isn’t surprising that a variation of video has also become widely accepted: whiteboard animation.

This type of video combines storytelling and visual content – two of the most powerful tools of persuasion. As such, these clips are also becoming more advantageous to use for introducing brands and, ultimately, cultivating a reputation that helps businesses grow.

Still unsure about whether your company can benefit from whiteboard animation? Below are the six things whiteboard animation can do for your business:

1. Captures and Keeps the Target Market’s Attention

Attracting attention can be quite a challenge due to the limited attention span of humans, but keeping it has proven to be more difficult. In this digital age, people are offered a lot of distractions, which may be why text or dry video content can be boring for most audiences.

Fortunately, whiteboard animation videos spice things up a bit with their surprising plot twists, charming characters, and memorable stories that appeal to the emotions. This type of content can do well both as pre-roll ads and learning materials that effectively catch and hold the audience’s attention.

2. Reduces Bounce Rate and Bolsters Engagement

For the uninitiated, the bounce rate represents a specific percentage of visitors who enter and leave a website immediately, rather than viewing other pages from the same site. Higher bounce rates mean that while your web content may be intriguing enough to capture attention, it isn’t interesting enough to keep people browsing.

When you have whiteboard animation clips, you should be able to see the bounce rate go down. Also, the engagement rate – the number representing people interacting with a page – should increase by about 2.6 times more, based on the same Wistia report.

3. Helps Relay Instructions and Deliver Intangible Messages Better

Offering an innovative product has its challenges, and one of them is showcasing its true power in helping make consumers’ lives better.

With whiteboard animation, you can deliver just about any message and relay instructions even if you cannot point a camera at it. This also applies to services that have a relatively vague concept that can only be grasped when shown to the target audience.

4. Attracts More Mobile Users

Mobile users comprise the majority of all Internet users, with statistics revealing an average of 52 percent every year. To top that off, a Visible Measures report said that the number of mobile-only users is consistently higher than the number of those who use desktop and laptop computers to watch videos online.

This may be the very reason why SEO and web development best practices have been updated to focus more on improving a website’s interface on mobile. Of course, that is not the only thing you can do to attract more of this mobile crowd.

Aside from making your website more mobile-friendly, adding whiteboard videos helps boost your audience engagement. Keep in mind how and where the audience views your content. You should also make clips easier to digest by adding subtitles to ensure that the message is understood even if the video is on mute.

5. Aids in Creating a Lasting Impression

Making a lasting impression is crucial when you’re building a name for your company. To achieve this, you have to choose a type of content that will have the best recall rate.
Because it uses pictures and sounds, video takes the title of the best content for this very same goal. Compared to written content, video clips are easier to consume and can stick for a longer period.

Whiteboard animation clips express a story with greater resonance than other forms of videos. For example, one whiteboard animation can both explain the outcome of statistics and deliver a key takeaway that tugs the heartstrings.

At their best, whiteboard animation clips can strategically overcome specific challenges. For instance, these clips can easily be shortened to accommodate social media sharing, which is an avenue that most people have access to. Even with runtime constraints set by specific platforms, this type of animation can convey the gist of the message efficiently.

6. Breaks Language Barriers

When dealing with language barriers, the initial solution most companies turn to is to add subtitles to their video ads, but the truth is that not everyone likes to read subtitles. Plus, having to exert the effort of following the text at the bottom of the screen removes the viewers’ attention from the video itself.

This won’t happen when you use whiteboard animation. With whiteboard clips, the main story or core message can be conveyed without the need for subtitles.

Whiteboard animation frame from a business training video

Why Whiteboard Animation?

Using whiteboard animation videos as a way to market your products and services has paved the way for business growth opportunities that didn’t even exist years ago. Make sure that you use this new marketing trend to the fullest by asking help from our professional animators at Punchy Digital studios. We are ready to help with your animation needs.

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