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Know what makes your target Audience Tick

Tailor your advertisement to engage your intended Target Audience

Go up to your grandparents and tell them you know a way to get them one million Instagram followers in 24 hours, then compare their reaction to that of a group of highschool girls. Who do you think would be more interested?

Know what makes your target Audience - Social Media

Massive Generalisation? Well yes, but that’s essentially what finding your target market involves.

Whilst every individual is different, you need to know what kind of audience is going to be the most likely to want to invest in your product.

What are you helping with your target audiences problem or desire?

Is your product or service going to assist or solve an ongoing issue or adhere to your consumer’s desires and ideals?  This is something you need to think about when establishing what makes your target Audience tick.

For example, this is Microsoft internet explorer trying to appeal to gen Y by evoking a sense of nostalgia.

Here they are linking new and old encouraging their consumer to ‘reconnect’ with the new. This is smart marketing as it relates and connects with in particular Gen Y because they are the ones who are old enough to afford to invest in software, they could be young adults just starting a new job or making their way through university – either way they will resonate with the ideals portrayed in this promotional video production making them more likely to opt with Microsoft than to its competitors.

With over 34,285,417 views and 634,237 shares, this shows just how effective it is knowing your target marketing and tailoring this knowledge to your advertising campaign and implementing in an animated TV commercial or web video production.

You don’t have to take each potential customer for a cup of coffee to know what makes them tick; this can be done through research on what your particular customer wants from a company

By Natasha Giannetti

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